A psychotherapist goes to the movies

I recently gave a talk on Alfred Hitchcock’s 1941 movie, Suspicion. Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine are the stars in this Hitchcock thriller set in 1930s England. The plot is typical of Hitchcock, a sewing together of circumstantial events that lead Fontaine (as the newly married Lina) to suspect Grant (as her husband, Johnny) of […]

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Depression, Mourning and Melancholia

An Explosion of Depression? Google’s release in 2017 of the UK’s popular search terms led ITV News to claim, ‘Britain amongst the most depressed and anxious countries in the world.’     In an article based on figures from NHS Digital, also released in 2017, BBC News reported anti-depressants to be the most common treatment […]

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Therapy and The Half-Said

  Therapy Can Help You Complete What’s Only Half-Said When people think of ‘repression,’ they often imagine something buried deep within themselves—something that might take years of therapy to unearth and bring to the surface. Yet, as this article suggests—using a couple of examples from talk shows—what is repressed is often hiding in plain sight, […]

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Therapy Words

Anxiety Anxiety generally refers to both a state of mind (unease, apprehension, worry, fear) and bodily states (such as breathlessness, tension, nausea, dizziness). Anxiety can be free-floating and constant (generalised) or acute and temporary (panic). Anxiety is something we seek to avoid at all costs. Outside of our awareness, we develop symptoms that serve to […]

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